Whether you're a small medium business or a large enterprise, managed IT services can make your job easier so you can focus on what matters. The benefits of managed IT include the dedication, industry knowledge and expertise of an entire IT department that focuses on delivering a system that supports your core business. It allows you to focus on expanding your business' core competencies, by engaging a managed service provider helps you with your day-to-day tasks.
There have been studies and surveys where organizations have stated that they have had disrupted IT services in the last three years. One in five of these crashes was caused by software problems and faulty IT systems. Some of those interruptions were also network issues. It shows how typically a downtime can affect your business and raises the question, is and how your business is ready to deal with it. Can a business afford an outage that can affect the productivity of many employees, not just one? Either way, you can expect a hit on your organization’s profitability and worse its reputation.
Apart from preventing outages and other IT issues, managed services vendor can help with more time consuming and complex projects such as: Data centre solutions, Cloud computing, Disaster recovery planning, Cyber security, Computer systems and Asset management, End user support etc. Let’s look at the reasons and benefits for getting such services. Dive in…
Reduction of overhead costs
One of the most important reasons and probably the benefit of having a Managed IT Services vendor is that they play an important role in reducing IT costs, IT risks and IT issues, which results in better customer relationships and translates into higher profits. Now the question that enterprises need to ask is whether their IT departments can efficiently and effectively handle all their IT-related tasks. Due to rapid changes in technology, including enhanced communications, ability to store data in a secure offsite manner, and global money transactions, many businesses find that its more beneficial to outsource some or all their IT activities. Managed IT service providers usually charge on an individual, per-month, or on per-project basis. That way, businesses only pay for the number of employees who need the support and services whereas in contrast, hiring an internal IT employee can cost twice as much.
Support as and when needed
Let’s take an example, say a business has ten employees and they experience software or hardware issues on the same day but only have one IT support specialist. In this scenario, it may take a few hours for the specialist to attend to each affected worker. Now if you work with a managed IT company, an immediate action can be taken against all those affected. Because that is what you are paying for, the services of an entire IT department at your disposal.
Proactive in managing and mitigating unexpected IT Issues
Why ‘wait till it breaks to fix it’ instead, by engaging managed IT services, enterprises can monitor, analyze, and create effective remedies that produce rapid responses to any IT fallacy. Managed IT service provider can accurately predict any IT issue and resolve it quickly. It is through this proactive approach that businesses can possibly eliminate unexpected IT costs towards disaster recovery problems, CRM issues, cloud computing transfers, etc. Managed IT services help develop realistic solutions, creating a methodology to be implemented that eliminates downtime. All this will benefit businesses in the long run, they can focus more on their core competencies when they know that their computer networks and all IT-related functions are in good hands and running smoothly.
Minimize or avoid downtime
Managed IT providers monitor networks and systems in real-time, allowing them to detect errors in your infrastructure that could lead to outages, can remotely diagnose, and troubleshoot potential problems. They engage in preventive monitoring, including providing remote updates to outdated software. They can replace obsolete infrastructure and technology, can avoid expensive and unproductive network outages, and keep a business performing at its best.
Makes way for increased and improved productivity
Its indisputable that every IT outage adversely impacts productivity and work experience. It creates a domino effect, affecting each employee’s work output. For example, a shared workstation crashes, no one assigned to it will be able to work. If it’s part of a group project, it’s even worse, as delays can confuse other members’ schedules thus reducing productivity levels. To manage this and ensure that these problems do not arise, and everyone can complete their work on time, one needs a managed IT company to make sure your technology and IT infrastructure is always up and running.
Taking care of cyber security vulnerabilities and crimes
Many of us may think that their business is not significant enough for being a target of cybercriminals. You would be surprised; the threat looms large over all types of businesses. Small businesses to save cost use older technologies that is more vulnerable to malware. The older versions no longer receive security updates which makes them more susceptible to malware. Experts estimate that cybercrime will cause more losses and damage in the coming years. Hence, it is necessary to have a managed IT company working on online security. They can run penetration tests, can set up an intrusion prevention and detection system (IPS & IDS).
These are few among the many reasons why it would make sense especially for start-ups, small and medium sized enterprises that cannot afford or invest in a robust in-house infrastructure to go for managed IT services.
At Levantine…
We understand that businesses need a strong IT capability that does not cause or is a reason for distraction and deviates their focus from their core capabilities. For that, we have developed a robust suite of Managed IT Services that helps you to improve functionality while optimizing costs in order to remain competitive.